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Improve your Swedish

Here you can find vocabulary and grammar exercises, and tips on how to improve your language, study skills, and much more.

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Formal and Informal Language

Hello, Hey, Good day or Hi! The greeting you use depends on who you are greeting and the situation you are in. Maybe you use Hey and Hi with people you know and in more informal situations and Hello with people you don't know very well and in more formal situations. 


In school, it is important to know when it's appropriate to use formal language and when you can use a more relaxed and informal language. Learn more about informal and formal language here (in Swedish).

Possessive reflexive pronouns

Compare: Hon talar med hennes syster. Hon talar med sin syster. ​Whose sister is it?


Possessive pronouns, for example min, hennes, and deras, are used to describe ownership. Most possessive pronouns are inflected according to the word it describes. Example: Min vän. Vårt hus.


Reflexive possessive pronouns, for example sitt, deras, and ert, also describe ownership but refer back to the subject in the clause. Many find it difficult to know whether to use sin/sitt/sina or hans/hennes/dess/deras. Practise and read more here.

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De, dem or dom?

Do you find it difficult to know when to use the personal pronouns “de” and “dem”? And what is up with “dom”? Click here to learn more. 


Write better – Sentence structure

By varying your sentence structure, you can avoid writing a monotonous text. Furthermore, sentence structure can be used to highlight the important points in a text and make it more effective. Here, you will learn more about sentence structure (in Swedish).

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